International Program: Thursday, May 25


Muskuloskeletal Imaging

Chair: B. Ertl-Wagner (Germany)
8:00 –9:30

8:00 The Painful Shoulder, M. Zanetti (Switzerland)
8:30 Knee MRI – The Pitfalls, K-F. Kreitner (Germany)
9:00 Bone Tumors, K. Verstraete (Belgium)

Chair: M. Forsting (Germany)
9:45 – 10:45

9:45 What can be expected from 7 Tesla MRI in the Brain, M. Fosting (Germany)
10:15 Dural AV-Malformations: MR Findings and Therapeutic Options, D. Rüfenacht (Switzerland)

Big data / IT
Chair: F. Bamberg (Germany) / M. Forsting (Germany)
14:00 – 15:30

14:00 The RADIOMICS Revolution: New Breakthrough in Radiology? R. Kikinis (Germany)
14:20 Cohort and Population-Studies: What are currently ongoing Efforts in the Europe and why may they be impacting on Radiology? M. Prokop (Netherlands)
14:40 Big Data in Imaging Science: What can be learned and expected, H. S. Kim (Korea)
15:00 German National Cohort MRI Study: Status Quo? F. Bamberg (Germany)

Head and Neck

Chair: B. Ertl-Wagner (Germany)
15:45 – 17:15

15:45 The Temporal Bone – What do I really need to know?, A. Trojanowska (Poland)
16:15 Paranasal Sinuses – The Essentials, D. Haba (Romania)
16:45 Hypopharynx and Larynx – How to stage correctly, B. Verbist (Netherlands)


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